MMI Community Living Supports
MMI is a not-for-profit organization that is a provider of services for the Mid-Michigan area. Since 1973, MMI has enriching peoples lives through employment, training and community accesses. Community Living Supports (CLS) services provide the foundation needed by individuals to maintain a person’s independence.
Activities selected may range from assisting with meal preparation, money management and light housekeeping to participation in regular community activities and recreation opportunities. Support is available for involvement in leadership opportunities with a variety of political, advocacy, and service organizations.
CLS provides the encouragement for individuals to preserve their health and safety in order that he/she may reside or be supported in the most integrated, independent community setting.
Self Determination
CLS services are determined by the individuals team based on what services are seen as a medical necessity. CLS staff will support individuals in discovering and pursuing their personal goals and interests in their own communities.
Community Exploration
Many individuals are not always certain what their interests are or what types of options they may have. CLS staff are knowledgeable and stay up to date on the current community activities available. They are trained to support people in discovering and pursuing their interests.
Relationship Building
CLS staff support individuals in developing lifelong friendships with people of all backgrounds that share their common interests.
Household Maintenance
MMI staff can assist individuals with household tasks such as, cleaning, laundry, developing grocery lists, shopping, budgeting, meal preparation and providing education about nutritional values.
CLS Staff
Committed to supporting people to live more independently
CPR and First Aid trained
Flexible hours to meet the needs of those served
Skilled in helping individuals develop relationships
Trained to serve individuals with diverse backgrounds including training in Person First Language, communication, and problem solving
Customer service oriented
Available around the clock
Trained in Recipient Rights
Trained to remind, observe and/or monitor medication dispensing